About Us

HDB Approved Contractor based in Singapore

At AC Carpentry

Our goal is to offer high-quality workmanship while prioritizing sustainability and durability in our furniture.


A for Affordable

At AC Carpentry, we take pride in our ability to deliver quality products that have a positive impact on daily living spaces. Our services are affordable and competitive, and we cater to both interior design firms and end users.


C for Custom Construct

Our woodwork is made using high-quality treated plywood, ensuring durability and protection against termites.


Our Motto

With our workers, we create.

With our customers, we improve.


Company Culture

At AC Carpentry, we are proud of our team for their hard work and dedication, which has contributed significantly to the company's success. We appreciate and recognize their effort. Moreover, our company understands the importance of excellent customer service and the trust our clients have in us. We are committed to improving and expanding our services to meet their requirements.


Our Team

We are equipped with experienced and skillful carpenters based in Singapore and Malaysia. With over 20years of experience in woodworking knowledge and skills, we ensure that our products and made with quality workmanship.


Our Partners

"Without Craftmanship, Inspiration Is a Mere Reed Shaken In The Wind."

-Johannes Brahms


Mon – Fri : 9:30am - 6pm
Sat : 9:30am - 1pm
Sun & PH : Closed


Harvest @ Woodlands
280 Woodlands Industrial Park E5 #02-10, Singapore 757322


+65 6920 9292

+65 6920 9229